Sourdough bread with starter|Sourdough Recipes

 Hey, now I guide you for Sourdough bread Recipe. everyone always asks me, What Is My Secret Was To Such Anything Starter. My Goal For is to break Down all Of the basics of Sourdough, Teach you How To Create A Starter from Starch, How to Maintain it, And Also how To Bake it. Sourdough Can Seem Really Intimidating, but I want To Make It Easy for You Always Guys!! You need to Know everything about Sourdough. And also Know about Such Beautiful Sourdough Lovers.

Sourdough Bread

Sourdough Bread Make To Easy for Everyone But if you Make Then Easy! It’s not Make to Hard. 

In Fact in Reality is The Easiest Sourdough Bread Recipe. Without Any of The Extra, Some time Confusing Fluff!

Sourdough Bread is One Type Of Dough bread Friends! Is naturally Occurring yeast From the Atmosphere and Also A Sourdough Starter.

And Sourdough Starter Is live Culture of Flour and Water, It Like God Miracle. You Can find all Those Things about in The Last Sourdough Starter you’ll Ever Need.

Sourdough bread with starter

Sourdough bread with starter

Jenish & Shubham
Hey, now I am guide you.everyone always ask me, What Is My Secret Was To Such Anything Starter. My GoalFor is break Down all Of the basics of Sourdough, Teach you How To Create AStarter from Starch, How to Maintain it, And Also how To Bake it. Sourdough CanSeem Really Intimidating, but I want To Make It easy for You Always Guys!! Youneed to Know everything about Sourdough. And also Know to Such BeautifulSourdough Lovers.
5 from 1 vote
Cook Time 8 hours
Total Time 8 hours
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 3 people
Calories 222 kcal


  • Weighing Scale
  • Large Mixing Bowl
  • Measuring Jug
  • Measuring Spoons
  • Spatula
  • Bowl And Basket For Proofing
  • Large Metal Bowl Oven Proof
  • Clean Dish Towel
  • 2 Baking Trays



  • ½ Cup Of Sourdough Starter Fed Active
  • 1 cup Of Lukewarm Water
  • 2 table teaspoon olive oil
  • 400 Gram Bread Flour
  • 2 Teaspoon Salt
  • Olive Oil For Greasing


Direction How To Make

  • Take A Large Bowl and Starter of Sourdough With Water and Olive Oil and Whisk to Combine.
  • AFlour And Salt mix them properly and Using Either a spatula or Your hand. I Am Always Choosing My Hand. For Exactly how Wet or Dry Dough.
  • When Your Dough is Little Dry them side Add a splash More Water. Bring Dough Together Form ball that Cleans the Bottom of The Bowl.
  • Remove The Dough from The bowl and Grease that Bowl With a little Olive Oil. Take Dough Back Into The Bowl and Tightly cover With Cling Wrap Dish Towel.
Keyword bread, bread with starter, Sourdough bread, Sourdough bread with starter

Now I Am Showing You How To Prepare Sourdough Starter. If You Want To Learn Then Stay With Me!!

  • What Is Sourdough Bread and Why is Looking Different like Other Bread?

This Starter is are Natural Yeast, Like We Bring Some Yeast from Market in Packages. that market Yeast is Artificial Yeast.

And If you Make this Yeast at Home, This yeast Is Very Healthy For Everyone. And Also That Yeast Bacteria is Make Our Immune System Strong.

Ingredients Step By Step

  • 150 GramWheat Flour 1.33 Cup
  • 150 GramWarm Water 0.63 Cup
  • 75 Gram Whole Wheat flour 0.66Cup
  • 75 Gram Warm Water 0.32

We Are Making This Starter In 8 Days so Please  Careful.

                 Day. 1 Feeding After 24 Hours in Morning

First of All, We Take 150 Gram Wheat Flour. It Regular Whole Wheat Flour. We Make flour Chapattis in Home.

And 150 Gram warm Water, Don’t Forget to Use Filter Water. And also Use clean water Please.

Don’t get Hot Water Please Warm Water. Mix Them Properly, Gently Mix Them perfectly.

After doing that we Stored a clean Jar, please take a Clean and Tall Jar. And Also dry jar. Fill it in a Clean tall jar.

And We Make them With Rubber Band. And also cover it With plastic Wrap but Not Tight.

Please put Jar in a Warm place For 24 Hours.

Day.2 Feeding 24 Hours in Morning

And after That Remove the Starter and Throw it away. This Starter Is Not Good For Anything Except being Food for the yeast.

We use A Spoon to Scoop mine Out. Remove half the Stater. Feed the Starter 75 Gram Whole wheat flour and 75 Gram bottled Warm water.

Stir with your Spoon Until You don’t Seem any Flour and Then cover It back up.  And Place this Contain aside again 24 Hours.

Day.3 Feeding 24 Hours in Morning

Again Remove half of The Starter and Throw it Away.

Add 75 Gram Whole wheat flour and add 75-gram Bottled warm Water.

Stir Until you Can’t See Any dry Flour, cover loosely, and Set back in Warm Area.

Day.4 feeding 24 Hours I. Morning

 Another Time Remove half the Starter and Throw it Away. Add 75 Gram Whole Wheat Flour and Add 75 Gram Bottled Water.

Stir Until you Can’t see And Dry flour. Cover Loosely, and back In Warm Area.

Day.5 feeding 24 hours In Morning

Remove half the Starter throw it away. Add 75 gram Whole Wheat flour and Add 75 Gram bottled water.

Stir Until you Can’t See Any Dry Flour. Cover loosely, and set back. In warm Area.

                Day 6 Feeding 24 Hours in Morning

Remove half The starter and Throw it Away.

And Add 75 Gram Whole Wheat Flour And Add 75 Gram Bottled Water. Stir Until you Can’t see Any Dry Flour.

Cover Loosely, And Set Back in Warm Area.

       Day 7 feeding 24 hours in Morning

 Remove The Half Stater and Throw it Away.

Add 75 Gram whole Wheat Flour and Add 75-gram Bottled Water. Stir Until you can’t see and Dry Flour.

Cover Loosely, and Set Back in Warm Area.

Day 7 feeding 12 hours In Also Evening

Remove half The Stater and Throw It Away. Add 75 gram all Purpose flour 75 gram Bottled water.

Stir until you Can’t See and Dry Flour. Cover Loosely, and Set back In warm Area.

 Day 8 feeding in Morning

So Are You Ready for Starter, so Fleeting test By add-In Spoon of The better in A Jar Full Of Water?

Check if It’s floating Nicely or Not If not Them fellow feeding Process for Another 12 hours Repeat?

If It Floats our Starter is Ready for Lovers.

We Make A dough

  • Take A one Large Bowl and Mix your starter With Water, and Add Olive Oil Together.
  • After That add-In, Water With Flour and Salt are mix together By Single Hand.
  • In Your Hand Make one Bowl of Dough and Clean the Bottom of Bowl.
  • Take Bowl And put Them Greased Dough. And All To Formant. And then Cover with cling wrap to dish To Well.

Baking Process

  • When We Start A bake please Check Room Temperature for the Dough for Roughly 12 to 18 Hours. When I was bake Mix Them up The Night Before and Let it Proof over Night.
  • First Of All, Take Bowl and Put the dough in Bowl. And put One Place on A Floured Surface and Fold the Dough over it Self’s Strenghlu it.

Do Best Shape Proof Your Dough

  • You Want To Make Shape your Dough do Into a bobble by Pushing the Dough against your Surface to Make It Round And smooth.
  • Take a Bowl or Proofing basket, Lay Your kitchen towel That Has been Dusted Gently With Flour.
  • Take Bowl and Put A Dough on Bowl, And the Bowl with the Seams facing you And the Smother Side Down.

Now Sourdough Proofing

At least 1 1/5 Hour Proof The Dough Roughly or Other Until Your Bread Haas Risen to almost Double Size.

One time the Dough Risen Goodly and Feels Almost Lighter And Not Heavy Them. It’s Time. Bake It off.

      Now time Sourdough Baking

  • Start Your Oven And Preheat Temperature to Over Like 450 F a Baking Pan. Please Easily turn the Dough out into A separate flat Baking Tray, But not Preheat. Please Carefully a Round Again Pushing The Seams Underneath.
  • Any Design you like To Draw The Bread On Top.
  • Turn Out the Oven to almost 400 F and Sliding turn your Bread on Floured Tray Into Preheat tray Yours.
  • At least you Take time To 50 – 60  Minutes until a Marvellous Golden Brown Colour.
  • In that Baking Sourdough Bread Complete the Wait For At least before Cutting Free.

Tips For Making Good Sourdough Bread

  • When I Make Sourdough bread I Recommend bread Flour and Not all Purpose Flour. You Should Extra Gluten Yields, You a bubbies Crubela.
  • In Oven Put on Flour, large Metal Bowl Use. Which Must be Oven Proof. Over your Dough in The Oven. That Bowl Creat Steam around the Bread and Gives You Chewier Crust. Baked In 30 Minutes, please.
  • Make Your Bread Crispy Crust bake Your Sourdough on Preheat Tray.
  • If Your Flour Become cold And Sluggish then Place it Near a heat Source like an oven That is Cooling Down.
  • When You Cook that Time Refaint from opposing the Door to Much While baking as To Not let Out the Heat that Will Gives you Crispy Crust.
  • Whenever You Cut Your Bread before wait For Cool Down Bread. I Know Tempting but it is at Its best when It has full Cooked.

       Bonus Tips For Sourdough Bread

Bread Flour: the Yields Stronger, More Defined Structure to Your Bread, A Bread Flour

You Can Use all purpose flour Best For Best results Use Bread Flour.

Beat RestaurantsFor Sourdough Bread

  • Arizmendi CooperativeCity Brand (Oakland)
  • Acme Sourdough Bartend
  • Wedemeyer Sourdough Stick (Oakland)
  • Whole Foods Sourdough Round
  • La famine Sourdough Bartend (Oakland)
  • Firebrand Sourdough Baguette
  • SemiFreddi’s Rustic Sour
  • Trader joe’s Sourdough Loaf
  • Bouden Sourdough Bartend (Fremond)
  • La Boulanger Sourdough Loaf
  • Panera Mini Sourdough Round.

More Recipes


  1. How Many Days Are Stored Sourdough Bread?

    If I Want Stored Sourdough Bread Covered at room Temperature for Up To 3 days. But It Also Freeze Creamy Wellford Up To 6 Weeks! I Slice my Loaf and Freeze it.
    So Can I just take Out Slice At Time.
    I Take out 3 Slice Only! Then Otherwise if It is Stale you Can cut The bread Into Chunks and Process it In A Food Producer to Make Bread Crumbs.

  2. Why is Sourdough Bread good For You?

    Sourdough Bread is More Digestible than Regular bread Because The Fermentation Process Breaks little Down Gluten That Can Cause Bloating and Other Bread Digest Problem Faces.
    Sourdough Bread have lactic Acid it Helps your Body to Absorb more of The Nutrition’s from sourdough bread than you from Regular White Or Wheat Bread.
    Although Sourdough bread does not Seam That different from regular Bread, And The Fermentation Process that The Sourdough Starter Goes Through Whole Slow of Nutrition Benefits.
    Sourdough Bread Might be a Healthier Choices Them other Kind of Bread

  3. How Do You Make Sourdough Starter from Scratch?

    Sourdough Starter is Cultivate the Wild yeast in A Form that We can Use For baking.
    Since Wild yeast is present in All Flour, The Easiest Way
    To Make a Starter is Simply and Combine flour with Water and Letting it Sit for Normal Days.

  4. Can You Get Sick From Sourdough ?

    First Of All, You Want Know Sourdough Starter has A Very Acidic Environment, a Mainly due To Lactic Acid Produced as A By product from The Starter. A Harmful Bacteria Develop, this Acidic Environment Makes it Extremely Difficult, The making Sourdough Bread Pretty Stuff Everyone.

  5. Can You Toast The Sourdough Bread?

    Yes, Is Possible to Toast Sourdough bread.
    First Of all cut The Bread Into Thick Slices plenty with Olive Oil. Put on The Grill and Pressing down gutly Sothey Pick Grill Marks.
    Grill until Crispy and Toasted, about 40 Seconds per aside.
    If You want To Like toaster bread then the Right Toaster, Can Be Your Beat Friend. As per a sourdough Baker. If You Make toast bread but The Bread Isn’t Right A slice in a Toaster Can Help Bring It Up to Scratch.

  6. How Do You Know Sourdough Bread Is Bad?

    How Can We Say That, if there Is best way to Say is Good. The Bread Is Look And Other Things is Bread Smell. Discard any Bread that Was on Off Smell, if Mold Appeases, Discard the On Time Loaf.

  7. Does Sourdough Bread Is freeze Well?

    • Leave It slice Of Bread Or Whole Loaf.
    • When Ever you Put on Freeze Wrap Tightly aluminum Foil or Plastic Wrap.
    • Place In heavy duty freeze bag And Freeze

  8. Can We eat Sourdough Bread Everyday?

    There Are To Many Verities Sourdough Contain vat Is vitamins and Minerals Nutrition. It Making is Super Benefits to Your day by Day healthier Improvement.
    Sour Has small To Moderate Amount of Iron, Manganese, Calcium, B1,B6,B12, Folate, Zink, Potassium, Niacin, Magnesium, Vitamin E.
    If Roughly Both May Help improve you Gut Health, Easy Digestion. A sourdough fermentation may Also Degrade Gluten to Greater Extent Then Bakers yeast.
    It Can Cause digestive Problems in People Who Are Sensitive.

  9. What Do You eats A Sourdough Kill Pro biotic?

    Whenever you Sourdough Bread also Takes a Longer to Digest to Always, Some Studies says Have Shown that Rye Flour added to sourdough Can Help Regular Blood Sugar Levels, Which Help Word off Diabetes. Sourdough Is Pro Biotics, Which help Gut Microwavable.
    Technically Does Start Off Contain Pro biotic is Sourdough Bread. Once The Bread Is Baked, The Friendly Bacteria die At Such High Temperature in The Oven.

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