Triple Cheese Frankie Best Recipes in world

The Triple Cheese Frankie Is just A Great Mouth Watering Frankie.

This Frankie is Different Then All The Frankie’s. It should Be Made According

To Frankie’s Name.

First Of All, it Will Be Made From Three Cheese And The Other Mayonnaise.

Another Name Of Mayonnaise Can Also Be Called White Sauce. And The second One

That We are In Frankie Putt Vegetables

How To Make Triple Cheese Frankie Spices

  • Red chili Powder 11/2 Tbsp
  • Cumin Powder 1 TBsp
  • Amchur Or You Can Use Mango Powder 11/2 Tbsp
  • Step 4. Coriander Powder 1 Tbsp
  • Salt – 2 Tsp ( You Can Also Use Black Salt )
  • After That You to Mix All The Powder. And You Can Also Use
  • This spices in Every Frankie.

How To Make A Frankie Roll

Step 1.

To A Add the Flour, Salt, Vegetables Oil Or You Can Use Olive Oil

And Water After The Flour Knead well, Cover With Napkin Cloth.

And Keep Aside For 15 Minutes, This Help In Releasing Gluten From

The Dough.

Step 2.

Knead The Dough Again For 5 Minutes At least To Make a Stiff

Or Tight Though Soft Dough.

Indigence For Making Triple Cheese Frankie

  • 4 potato Boiled And Kneading potatoes.
  • Roti Flour ( plain )
  • 1 tsp. Oregano.
  • 1 tsp. Chilli Flakes.
  • Cheese Block ( Use Regular Cheese Or Mozzarella Cheese
  • Cheese Sauce
  • Chilli Vinegar
  • Frankie Masala
  • Vegetables ( Iceberg Lettuce, Jalapenos, Olives, Onions, Capsicum )
  • With Frankie You Can Use Tomato Ketchup.

lets Start Making Triple Cheese Frankie

Step 1

First You Have To Put The Potatoes in the Pressure Cooker to Cook With Salt.

Four to Five Ants Are The Required To Cook Potatoes. If You Cooking Potatoes

For The First Time, Then You have To Someone To Help You.

Step 2

 When the Potato Is Cooked, You should Look For Sometime, So That

The Potato Become Cold.

Step 3

 When the Potato Are Cold, Then You knead The Potato, And The

Potatoes Have To be Kneaded.

Step 4

 And After Kneaded The Potatoes, And Also Add Chili Flakes, Oregano.

And We Have To Also Add Green Chilies With It.

Step 5

Now You Have To learn a Mixture of The Three Cheese.

Step 6

 let’s See How Three Cheese Are Made.

First You Have to Take a Bowl. Now You Put The Mayonnaise

In The Bowl. Then Now You Have To Put Grated Cheese in it.

And Also We Put Cheese Sauce On the Top of That Too. And

Don’t Forget to Mix, Become A Thick Base.

Step 7

After The Three Cheese are Mixed and Put Mashed Potatoes in it.

After then Mix Both Well.

Step 8

 After All Mixed up. In the Middle of Frankie’s Roti. The Frankie

Masala on the Roti.

Step 9

Now You Just put have To Put The Little Bit Vegetables.

( Lettuce, Onions, Olive, Jalapenos, Capsicum )

Step 10

 Now you Have to Close It, Comfortably. So

That Your Frankie’s Food is Do Not Go.

Step 11

If Your Frankie Folds Correctly. So You Understand that You

Have Come to Make Frankie.

Step 12

Now Your Frankie Is Ready To Eat well.

How to make Potato(Aloo) Frankie(Kathi Roll) Recipe

View Comments (1)

  • Triple Cheese Frankie love this food must try everyone fill mouth multiple ingredients nice keep it up ?

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